Online Progressive Jackpot Winner Stories and Interviews
July 21, 2004.
Baby On the Way Brings Good Luck! Jennifer B. Wins $25,632.37 Playing Jackpot Deuces At Virtual City Casino.

Did anything unusual happen the day that you hit the jackpot?
It was so funny because right before we hit the big one I had hit the 4 diamond face cards, and the 9 of diamonds. My husband told me to take a good look at it because it was as close as I'd ever get to hitting it. Then, 5 hands later it hit!! Wow!!!
What did you do when you realized you'd hit the jackpot?
My husband and I looked at each other in amazement and then stared at the computer for what seemed like forever. Then it hit us and we started jumping around and screaming! Our dog was zooming everywhere... we were so afraid to touch the computer, but continued to scream anyways!!!
How will you spend your winnings?
Our first baby is due in the next couple of months, so this is going to make the costs a lot easier to swallow. We are self employed and have terrible insurance, so instead of cutting back on things to save money we can now have the baby come into this world with a little less stress in the financial area.
How long were you playing before you hit the jackpot?
I play off and on during the day, but on this particular night I had some free money in my casino rewards account that I had just started playing with. I lost it in the first 15 minutes, and just needed to play more...within 45 minutes of starting I was one happy camper!
What do you do for good luck?
I get a big bowl of popcorn and a drink, and I make sure I am comfy and have good karma around me before I ever start playing. If something is wrong in the room there is no way I'm playing.
What piece of advice has most helped you through life?
One piece of advice that I always try to keep in mind is that... "what would you try if you knew you could not fail?" It is a question that often reminds me that a chance may pass me by if I am scared, but if I am not afraid to take that chance, I may come out with a new experience that helps me be a better person.
What is your dream holiday destination?
My dream destination is to be able to travel to Italy and Greece. I want to experience the culture and view the world without worrying about about a schedule, work problems, etc. It would be so cool to see unique places that have so much history and culture surrounding them.
What do you do in your spare time?
I like to read, hike, play poker and spend time with my husband and my pug, Mugz.
If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 things would you take with you and why?
I would for sure take my dog for companionship, a deck of cards so I can practice and emerge to win the WPT, and maybe my husband - but probably some sort of snack food instead. :)
What is your ultimate goal in life?
My life's goal is to enjoy the people around me, don't get stuck in the rat race, and always be true to myself.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I started my own educational business 8 years ago, at the age of 23. I am now 31 years old, have been married for 4 years and have a baby on the way. I just sold a franchise of my business and am very excited to expande into new business ventures. This jackpot is going to allow for a lot of great things to happen with my business and family!!
Source: Jackpot Madness (JM) - the largest online jackpot network that unites dozens of online casinos featuring Microgaming Viper software. Find JM's progressive jackpots at all Microgaming-powered Internet casinos.
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